
Cowboy Up.......

 While I am moving, I am posting some of my favorite tablescapes as a rerun! Hope you enjoy ....especially Oklahoma's unique history through this tablescape!

At high noon on April 22, 1889, fifty thousand (plus) people lined up waiting to hear the shot from a gun. Once that gun was fired, they were OFF!  (The picture below is a factual picture of the Land Run.)
What was the big deal that drew so many people to one place in 1889?
The government had opened up over two million
acres of unassigned land,
(also known as Indian Territory)
now known as Oklahoma
on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Settlers could claim up to 160 acres,
with the stipulation they must live on the land
and improve it.
One hundred and twenty one years later, on April 22, 2010,
I decided to
create my tablescape to honor those pioneers.

My husband had a set of dishes from his childhood.
They were tin cowboy dishes with covered wagons.
I thought they would be perfect to represent all the 
pioneers that were in the Oklahoma Land Run 
with their covered wagons.

I paired the dishes with red splatterware as chargers.



So that the middle of the table looked like this (above).

 I also used a set of brown earthenware that my parents received for their wedding over 50 years ago.

So, all the dishes I used were 50 years old...or older.  Not quite as old as Oklahoma, but still vintage.
I changed the dishes around throughout the picture taking.  Enjoy.  Hopefully I will get this linked up to:
In the meantime, keep enjoying the pictures.


  1. I love the family history, the Oklahoma history and your wonderful creativity!

  2. This is so original and creative and unique! Love it!

  3. This is one of my all time favorite tablescapes. It is so cute, different, has history and lots of memories. Very very cute!


  4. I love your cowboy theme and the old dishes! Be blessed. Cindy

  5. Very Cute! I remember your Mom's dishes!!

  6. great pics, such a different table, love it!

  7. Anonymous4/22/2010

    Love, love, love cowboy and western decorating. You have done a lovely tablescape - so very inviting.

  8. This is the coolest. And thanks for the back-story. And for making me smile.

  9. AWESOME! My family's fav.

    My son's step-son scream he loves this.

    TY for sharing.

  10. What a darling, creative table! LOVE your husband's covered wagon plates -- such a treasure -- and they look wonderful with the red spatterware. VERY clever to use the upholstery webbing the way you did!

  11. What a clever tablescape! My husband had a set of those boot mugs...I think we put them on ebay when we were getting rid of some of the masses of things he collected over the years. I like the history lesson...love all that red.

    Thanks for visiting me today:)


  12. This is one of the most creative tables I have seen...love it. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Great table! Original and creative. Loved the history of Oklahoma! Your blog makes me happy!:)

  14. Hi. You are a very creative one. I love this combination of history and nice tablescape. The plates are amazing and I love the little wagon, the spatterware, yes, I love all the things you decorated. Gread work.
    Greetings, Johanna

  15. Your table is fantastic, Lori! Your vintage plates are real treasures. Thank you for visiting me!
    Cheers, Andrea

  16. Your table is fabulous.. I love the vintage plates. They remind me of my brother's room decor eons and eons ago. Love the little chuck wagon in the center and using the webbing is ingenious!

  17. Ha, ha! Very cute. I have this pattern too. It is awesome to use outside and the platter and salad bowl are what I use all the time to take to parties. I hadn't thought of using the red splatterware chargers! Cute idea! Love the 'scape!

  18. Anonymous5/09/2011

    You have created a very cool tablescape with your husband's childhood dishes. The historical link to Oklahoma land territory establishment is quite interesting! Love that old photo.

    Love your tablescape, too! Really nice job!!


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