
Here's Your Sign

I had this picture in my file of "Things I love" for a long time. I cannot even remember where I got it from, except it looks like it is "House Beautiful" maybe...????......
If I even knew, I would find the owner of the sign and figure out a way to contact them.
You see, that sign has our family name on it.  Wouldn't that be great to have?
It is a GREEAAAATTTT sign regardless, but it would be even better since it has our name.

I love old signs. I loved them before they were vogue and I will love them long after they are popular.
If anyone out there ever sees a LUCAS....or for that matter a FERGUSON (my maiden name) sign, please think of me and let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/24/2010

    I agree, it would be perfect and you need it. You've got to find the owner of that sign, it is meant for you...LOL!



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