
Dangling A Carrot In Front of 'Ya...........

I was outside today enjoying the beautiful weather  getting things ready for my Tablescape Thursday.  I have to take try and get it done early so I can have good light for my pictures.  Otherwise I have to use horrible overheads and just pretend to myself the pictures look good!  Anyway....while I was outside enjoying the beautiful weather, I did work part of my tablescape for Thursday.
I got these carrot-baseball-bats at Wal-Mart in the Easter basket-goodies section.  They are actually giant carrots but they do have a very small end on them that does qualify them as 'bats' I guess! They are bright orange.  They cost only ONE DOLLAR!!  They even come with their own 'baseball'.  
  I immediately thought they would be great for a cute Easter centerpiece.  Because they were SO orange, they did appear a tad bit platicy.  So, I decided to tone them down to go with my taste a little more.

 One of these things is not like the other...
One of these things just doesn't belong...
Can you tell which thing is not like the others...
By the time I finish this song?...............  Ok, ok, this might not be Sesame Street, but it was certainly easy enough to do this.  I just wiped a little of my gel stain on the carrot and barely wiped off.  See how it toned the orange down some?

The carrots even have real grooves in them.  By the time the stain was on them they were looking very much like carrots fresh from the garden. 

See the difference?  Only one of them above is done.

Here they are all done BUT one.....Remember these are CARROTS!! (uhmmm as in no longer baseball bats!)

I included this shot of the 'baseballs' just because they looked so bright and pretty in the vintage flower pot.

 I bought five of the carrots.  I think I just unconsciously do that because of my five children.  But I thought five of the giant carrots would also make a statement.  So, here are the carrots dangling in front of you.  Come back on Thursday and see my Easter tablescape that includes LOTS of carrots. But first, get to Wal-Mart and get your giant $1 carrots to include in your own decor.
I am linking this to Metamorphosis Monday with Susan:


  1. You have a very creative mind to turn those bats into such a wonderful Easter decoration! The baseballs almost look like peas!


  2. Anonymous3/29/2010

    Now I know how much you dislike orange so I'm very proud of you...LOL! Seriously, very very cute idea!


  3. I like the way your mind works! These are very cute, and I like them with the stain. Good job!


    Sheila :-)

  4. You're so creative! They look great. I like the gel stain to tone them down.

    Hope you'll drop by AtticMag to give JaneT some advice on making a bench from a vintage bed. #81 on Met Monday.


  5. WAY TO CLEVER!!!!! I love this idea!!!



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