
Simple Words to Live By.............

"Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive,
who is Youer than you."
---Dr. Seuss

I have loved Dr. Seuss since I can remember.  His words ring loud and true for any given age.
It is his birthday this week, so in honor of him, I chose one of my (many) favorite quotes by the word genius. 
I am also changing my Simply Sunday's to now be part of Tracey's "Words To Live By".  She has been giving us wonderful quotes and beautiful pictures for 157 weeks.  WOW!  She needs to have her inspirational "Words To Live By" and the accompanying pictures made into a book.
Please stop by Tracey's blog and be inspired by her constant creativity.

Happy Birthday Theodore!  And thank you Tracey!


  1. Anonymous2/28/2010

    Well all I can say is One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.....LOL!


  2. I would so like to give the piece you read to your class to my hubby. He is a high school principal and is always looking for inspirational thoughts for his kids. This is pretty inspirational.
    I will be following you to see all the great things you will be doing.


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