

We are supposed to have a cold rainy weekend with a big chance for snow.  This cold wintry weather is not our usual mild winter. It is beginning to get on my first and last nerve!  So, what does a person do when it is too ugly to go outside?
Turn to comfort food.  Nothing is better on cold days than good 'ole Southern cooking. Especially when I have time to cook.
And what else?
And what else is on the agenda?
Well if it cold and rainy or snowy, then this sounds really good......
I have an entire stack of books I can't wait to begin. During the school year it is hard to read as much as I would like to, because I am always reading for class or grading papers! I love the thought of sitting down to read all snuggled on my comfortable couch, with a big bowl of whatever I decide to make from above!
And of course, to finish the weekend I will be doing what the majority of America is doing...
Watching the Super Bowl!  (With more reasons to enjoy good food!!)  I will be cheering for the Saints, although if the Colts win I will not be devastated.
Sounds like a nice couple of days, doesn't it?
Enjoy yours!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/05/2010

    Well I'll forgive you for pulling for the Saints!! Actually we were pulling for the Vikings but since that's not happening, I'm gonna pull for the Colts, I am a midwest girl. We are having spaghetti, bread, salad and reduced sugar cake with chocolate frosting to celebrate hubby's BD. Have a wonderful fun weekend.



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