

Our black Schnauzer Abe is so hard to take pictures of.  One of the reasons is because if he is still he is asleep!  The other reason is because he is so black and his eyes are so black that it is hard to see how cute he actually is. 
He will be 1 on February 12--Abraham Lincoln's birthday, hence the name Abraham (or Abe). That is only 11 days from now.  I am pretty sure he will not have outgrown his puppy stage by the time the birthday gets here.
Abe is the cutest and sweetest dog.  When I get home from work he HAS to snuggle under my arm for a good 15 minutes...OR until he decides he is through snuggling.  When he gets to go outside he gets so excited and makes his own little noise and jumps up and down. 
He is Mr. Personality Plus. He is the fourth schnauzer we have had and Abe is not like any of the others.  He is our first solid black schnauzer.  We have one other schnauzer, which I will write about later, which is two years older than Abe.  I got Abe for Mother's Day last year.  My children were worried that Ike, (you like the very presidential names?) our other schnauzer was lonely during the day, and needed a buddy.  I am not sure how "lonely" Ike actually was, but he could not be happier to have Abe to play with each day.  They thoroughly enjoy each other.
BUT when Ike decides to lay down and nap while we are gone, Abe has other ideas.
He likes to drag blankets around. He brings toys into the living room.
If he can find a scrap of paper of any kind he finds it------and destroys it!
He carries around any movies that were not put up after watching!  If he can fit it in his mouth, it is his!  How do we know it is Abe and not Ike?  Well, we had Ike for two years before we got Abe and none of this happened.  AND, sometimes Abe forgets to clean his goatee'.  We will come home and the paper he has destroyed is still in his little beard. (At least bits and pieces!)
The good news is that he doesn't do this every day.  Just once in a while.  But when he does it, you can tell that he was saving up....Because he does it good!
The room above was perfectly clean before we left.  Abe decided to 'redecorate'!
It's hard to get too mad tho, when I walk in the door and he jumps through the air to see me, to get under my arm and start that snuggling time!
Oh, Abe........


  1. Anonymous2/01/2010

    Oh Lori he is adorable. He reminds me of Murphy. Murphy is so hyper, I swear he has some Jack Russell in him. Our Jackson is so calm and when Murphy's here, he puts anything and everything in his mouth. Happy Birthday Abe. Jackson turned 4 last Wednesday.


  2. Hi Lori,

    I saw your comment on Marilyn's "Simple Pleasures" blog and came over to visit. I'm in Oklahoma too....Southern Oklahoma....near Ardmore. Abe is just too CUTE!! We have a poodle that just turned 2 and she will re-decorate a room if anything is left down too. Hope you are enjoying your evening. Stop by and visit sometime.♥


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