
Yes, Virginia...........

I know a lot of people have a problem with Christmas and the Santa factor.  I am NOT one of those people. Don't get me wrong...I am emphatic about what Christmas is really about. It is ever present in our minds and hearts at our house. Heck, my five 20+ year olds still make sure we make a Happy Birthday cake for Jesus and read the Christmas story together as a family.

But, as I like to preach all the time,
there are so many lessons we can also learn from
the jolly 'ole fat guy!
For instance: What about the fact that Santa likes everyone?
Santa does not discriminate. He sees everyone the same.
He likes all boys and girls.
He likes animals.
He is a congenial man with a merry outlook on life.
He encourages us to be good for goodness sake!
He encourages us to leave treats out for others..
and animals.
He encourages giving.
He is happy.
You never hear about a grumpy Santa!
He works with his hands.
He encourages others to work with their hands.
He knows when to rest.
He is happy to come back home at the end of a long day.

In all seriousness there IS much to be learned from Santa.

The magic that he brings to a season is the
same magic we can use all year.
It is the excitement and the wonder that
we need to carry with us each and every day.

The graciousness that he exudes is the same
giving spirit that we can show 11 other months as well.
Santa listens.
He really listens.
He does not just give cursory nods, but
he cares and listens.
We can all learn from that.

Take time to listen to those around us.
Take time to show them we care.
Santa listens, then focuses on needs.

He has a loving,giving heart.
That is something we could each
display all 12 months,
instead of one
wild-cram-filled month!

Santa shows us that it is better to
than receive.
Think about those you know.
The ones that are worried about
what THEY are going to GET
are often the most shallow
people on earth.
The ones that GIVE without THINKING
are the jewels in life.
That is Santa's spirit.

So as I continue to share my
Santa collection
in December,
please remember
the spirit of Santa
and the lessons
we can learn
....if we really listen
from the jolly 'ole fat guy!

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy." – Charles Dana 

I am joining The Tablescaper and Between Naps on the Porch for their Christmas show and tells! 


  1. Anonymous12/03/2010

    Love it!

  2. So true. Generosity of spirit. As a Santa collector I am ogling your awesome Santas.

  3. Well said!
    PS-I think I need to start collecting Santa's riding animals:@)

  4. How wonderful that your children know the real meaning of the season. I love the santa on the cow painting.

  5. Very whimsical. Its very true what you say and as long as they know the true meaning and not just about the presents that is good as they will carry it on.

  6. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. Sorry it's taken me so long to get to visit. It's such a busy time of year.

    - The Tablescaper


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