
Sweet Nothingness!

Have you seen these? One of my sons brought it home to me just because he thought I would like them. He was right. How cuuuuttteee! Chocolate fudge cake. Red velvet cake. There is also pie. He bought them at Target.

 Next sweet nothing.....Are you looking for a quick (and cheap) gift?  I made these for all my teacher friends. I used a pun on their names, but you could personalize them anyway you wanted to.
 The label is on the inside.....
 Figure out how I did it? 
A great gift for teachers and all the germs we are around every day!
There you go. Two cute inexpensive gifts... Just enough to let people know you appreciate them!
OK...how I did it...I typed up my design on the computer and printed it off. I then used transparency paper and put it through the copy machine and copied my images on to it. I am sure you could probably put transparency paper through a good printer. Cut out your image and put it in the Germ-X. My students try every single day to figure out how those letters are just dangling in the Germ-X gel! ha!
I am linking this to Funky Junk Interiors!


  1. Love those Kleenex boxes. I haven't seen those before. I can't figure out the sanitary bottles so I'll have to wait til you decide to share.

  2. I think this is an awesome idea!!! I abosolutely love it. I will try and copy it just need to get to a good photocopier, thanks for sharing this great cool idea!

  3. What wonderfully fun gift ideas! :)

    xoxo laurie


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