
Promises to keep...............

 I saw on Paula Deen's blog where she said "lookin' back keeps me lookin' forward."  What a simple but very true thought.

I started this blog a year ago, when I promised my husband I would write every day. I didn't write on the blog every day, but I came pretty darn close to some form of writing each day. 
On the same Paula blog from where I got the quote above, she also said she doesn't make resolutions, but she makes "promises to try".  Now she is really talking my language! So, one of my "promises to try" again this year is to keep piddlin' away on the blog.
Here's to looking back to 2010, so that we can look forward to 2011.  A fresh new year to begin all over again! Happy New Year!


  1. Happy 2011 to you, Lori! I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year & look forward to seeing what you're busy doing in the new year.


  2. Lori, I read you every day and I think I wish we lived near each other so we could be friends. I will enjoy this next year knowing i have your blog to inspire me!
    Be blessed!

  3. Anonymous1/01/2011

    Hi Lori,
    Happy New Year!! It's a new year, that means lots of restarts or retrying. Anyway, so glad we have become friends and I'm gonna try and keep this little ole blog of mine up and running too:)

    P.S. And to answer your question, we are having the truck from OK brought to us on a transporter as it doesn't run. Darn, I thought that was our destiny to meet.


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